Daily Physical Practice
A strong soul-body partnership is vital for growth. Through daily physical practices like, yoga, martial arts & dance, students build discipline, spark creativity & deepen their awareness of themselves - fostering a balanced and harmonious sense of their full potential
Sol Practice
We inspire spiritual growth by unlocking the power of the soul through authentic, active connection. We guide students to discover the divine within themselves and in others - fostering a sense of meaning, purpose, and interconnectedness
Web of life ecology
Nature is a vital part of our curriculum, learning environment, and spiritual growth. By immersing in the outdoors, we nurture a deep connection to the natural world, foster a sense of wonder, responsibility, and harmony.
The SOLFL Experience is designed to unleash and nourish the soul. By fostering deep connection between their souls, their bodies, and the world around them, students experience an educational journey that cultivates spirituality, mindfulness, and purpose. Guided by Montessori and Reggio principles, our approach puts the student at the center of their learning journey. With individualized pacing, hands-on exploration, and a focus on intrinsic motivation students take ownership of their growth and are empowered to thrive as self-driven learners.
Wall-less Integrated spiral learning
Our custom-designed curriculum weaves together disciplines into holistic, real-world concepts and applications. Inspiration is drawn from multiple pedagogies- mainly Montessori and Reggio Emilia. This integrated approach ensures that learning is meaningful, interconnected, and immediately relevant, fostering a deep understanding of how knowledge applies to the word students engage with every day.
Music & the arts
At SOLFL, music is not just an art form—it is a profound language of the soul, a universal channel for self-expression, connection, and spiritual growth. Our music program is designed to inspire creativity, foster collaboration, and unlock each student's unique voice.
Impact entrepreneurship
Students are in flow when they create. SOLFL provides a unique real-world mentorship through FLOW and a network of world-class mentors to help students harness their skills, passions, and unique gifts to build mission-driven businesses and organizations.
SOLFL Tree of Life Learning Community is a Miami-based Torah program rooted in the rich teachings of Torah, Talmud, Halacha, Kabbalah, Chassidus, and Hebrew language. Our approach integrates these timeless principles seamlessly into every aspect of learning. Our vision extends beyond traditional boundaries. Recognizing the encompassing nature of Torah wisdom, we have placed Torah at the center of our integrated spiral curriculum that connects secular learnings in English, History, Math and Science, to the Jewish calendar.
Our curriculum is constructivist, entrepreneurial, and integrated, prioritizing spiritual growth and academic excellence. We empower students with real life skills essential for success in life, explored in their individually tailored mentorships. This holistic approach extends beyond the mind to encompass the body and soul, integrating daily physical practices that nurture the mind-body connection. At SOLFL, we aim to empower learners with the awareness of their passions and gifts so that they may utilize them in creating meaningful life work in service of others. Our goal is to provide our learners with the ability to live Torah, not just learn it, in a living classroom around which the SOLFL learning village is centered.
Sol Practice: Tree Of Life Torah
Daily Practice
- Tefilah: Students connect with themselves, Hashem, and the world through an experiential and SOLFL Tefilah. An emphasis is placed on students learning the Tefilot and connecting the prayers to their own spiritual journey. The week is designed to begin with self-reflection and evolve to be connecting with others, Hashem, and the world. This unique model is truly one-of-a-kind and helps students develop a true connection to Tefilah at their own personal pace and level. Their kavanot (intentions) are captured in a unique student-created SOLFL Siddur Companion that evolves with them as they grow.
- Yoga: Each morning students practice yoga as a form of connecting to their soul and setting intentions for the day. This sets the tone for a day of full connectivity between the mind, heart, and soul which enhances and strengthens the learning experience.
- Tehillim & Mutual Prayer: In the afternoon, students take a moment to pray for each other and the world. This practice is essential for students to practice being givers and to develop deep empathy and care for the world.
- Gratitude Circle: Our days at SOLFL end in gratitude. Often led by older learners in our community, students take part in sound baths followed by an expressions of thanks. We find an attitude of gratitude goes a long way!
Torah Studies
- Chumash: Students learn the weekly Parsha with an emphasis on application to daily life. Our approach is to give students the opportunity to personalize their connection to Torah while being exposed to spiritual insights of Torah commentaries
- Jewish Law (halakha) & Kabbalah: Our Tree of Life curriculum is designed to teach students how to live a Torah Jewish life with joyful observance. Throughout the year, our curriculum follows the cyclical rhythm of Jewish life, with each month dedicated to a particular quality or holiday, resonating with its unique frequency. Students seamlessly navigate through the rhythm of Parashot, seasons, and Jewish holidays, uncovering profound treasures hidden within Torah texts. This includes, but is not limited to, Jewish Holidays,
- Jewish History: Students learn our innovative curriculum - “A Hero’s Journey Through Time & Space” - which is designed to understand how Tzaddikim through various stages of Jewish history utilized their superpowers to impact the world. Students build their own capstone project to identify their own superpowers and a plan of action to unleash it into the world drawing inspiration from the lives of these famous Tzaddikim.
- Navi: Students learn Shmuel Alef (6th), Shmuel Bet (7th), and Melachim (8th) with an emphasis on applying the lessons learned to current events and their own practice. Lessons are focused on thematic and conceptual understand vs. a skills-based approach.
Hebrew Language/Kriyah
- Hebrew: Students will graduate with fluency in reading and conversing in Hebrew. This also includes Kriyah and textual skills for the Siddur and Torah texts. Our design allows for tailored curricular options to meet the needs of students at varied levels. This includes Kriyah V’hakedusha, Tal-Am, Hebrew Around the World, and SOLFL custom curriculum. Learning is experiential and multi-sensory and also integrates Israel education.
Entrepreneurship & Mentorship
At SOLFL Tree of Life Learning Community, impact entrepreneurship is more than just a program—it's a living philosophy. We ignite an entrepreneurial spirit in our students that extends beyond profit-making to embrace social responsibility and global impact. Our approach is grounded in the belief that each child possesses unique talents and passions, which forms the bedrock of our impact entrepreneurship program. This ensures that students can leverage their strengths in tangible entrepreneurial pursuits. Through immersive experiences, students don't just learn about impact entrepreneurship—they embody it. Equipped with the tools and mindset to transform ideas into real businesses addressing social and environmental challenges, they become catalysts for change.
Central to our program are real mentors, experts in their fields, who partner with students based on their passions and interests to work on real life entrepreneurial projects. One day each week, students spend time working with mentors to explore their passions in real life projects. From understanding nuances of conscious capitalism to mastering effective teamwork, students emerge as empathetic and thoughtful entrepreneurs.
With a focus on individual strengths and interests, paired with mentorship from experts, our program enables students to make meaningful contributions to the world. They gain financial literacy and develop strategies for positive change, positioning them for success in business and life. With a global perspective and a commitment to integrity, our students lead authentically, becoming the change they wish to see in the world.
Web of Life Science
At SOLFL we believe that nature is a most meaningful teacher. Our Web of Life science curriculum gives students the ability to understand the intrinsic interconnectedness of all living things and gain awareness of key environmental issues. Students will engage in hands-on solutions and develop a sustainability mindset around life-affirming practices. As we designed our curriculum and learning programs, we took inspiration from the fractal, creating interdisciplinary themes that spiral out from the micro to macro and from inside outward. Fractals are images of dynamic systems which we can find throughout the natural world, displaying patterns that are self-similar across different scales. Our eight foundational themes of our Web of Life curriculum include Home, Earth Food, Water Flow, Tree Alchemy, Life in Water, Moon Magic, Eyes on the Sky and Back to the Land.
Our Web of Life science curriculum is rooted in action-oriented, integrated learning units created in partnership with solutionary organizations on theforefront of environmental research, conservation, and innovation aimed at understanding the interconnected relationship between all living things. Our Web of Life units are taught with a local focus at each age-level allowing for a deepening of understanding of living systems.
Our goal is to embrace Wall-less-ness. We want to break down the walls between subjects, between teachers and learners and between learning time and “other” time. Through our Web of Life curriculum, SOLFL students become agents of change - engaged citizens and active members of society.
Sample Early Childhood Schedule
Sample Elementary Schedule
Sample Middle School Schedule